Gearing Up For Tanzania: November 2015

Since 2008 Kilema Support fund has supported the educational aspirations of 65 children from the Kilimanjaro Region. Since then many of these children are no longer children! They are young adults who have developed confidence, an broader skill set, a sense of purpose and power and finally hope for the future. Educational aspirations and success are top priority in this country where 85% of the working poor live below $2 per day (UN 2014). Getting children through school can bankrupt impoverished families.

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Gearing Up For Tanzania: November 2015

Since 2008 Kilema Support fund has supported the educational aspirations of 65 children from the Kilimanjaro Region. Since then many of these children are no longer children! They are young adults who have developed confidence, an broader skill set, a sense of purpose and power and finally hope for the future. Educational aspirations and success are top priority in this country where 85% of the working poor live below $2 per day (UN 2014). Getting children through school can bankrupt impoverished families.

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Violeth Kessy

Student Name: Violeth Kessy Village Ruwa Referral Exupery Mosha Social: mother in Dar Home Visit: None to date   SHORT STORY OF MY FAMILY. Am a young lady going by the name of Violeth Kessy, in our family we are two, me and my lovely sister, my father passed away...

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Sponsored Student: Nora Gender: Female Referred by: Cacha volunteers, Jim and Margaret Housing: Kilema Hospital   KSF Tuition Project Funding History: A very vivacious young person, Nora was eager to abandon her relentless work at a rural Kilema Hospital in order to pursue an education.  She had been living at...

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Partnerships and Deo Kundi

    Sometimes when groups work together, each contributing various elements towards a final goal, the chances of achieving the goal improve and of course all invested share in the rewards. Such was the case with Deo Kundi and his prosthetic leg.  It is worth recounting all the partners in...

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