Distribution Day

Distribution Day I think Distribution Day has been a day we have all been looking forward to.  The day when we get to see all the children that are supported through CACHA (Canadian African Community Health Alliance), plus many more who are looking for any help they can get, receive...

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Home Visits for Home Bound

A few years ago in 2010,  Dr. Nyaki, Adella Kessy and Rosalia Mosha handed me palliative care proposal and expressed their interest in working, after their retirement, in the community to help people who are home bound and isolated with palliative illness. ‘Retired but not tired’ is a common approach...

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Computers Find Homes

Computers Find Home     Such a great day today!  Janine and I were up and down the mountain, chini and juu, to meet with staff of local schools in line to receive computers donated by IBM.  After the typical distractions of  morning including reporti, attempts to send email, greetings...

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First Glimpses

      After our amazing wildlife Safari, we explored a different part of Tanzania, the city!!! Arusha is chaotic, dynamic, under construction and just busy, busy, busy. When we arrived into town it was market time and the main street was a sea of people, trucks, carts, wheelbarrows, produce...

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“Mimi, Maria”

“Mimi, Maria” We hiked down to the river, crossed a rickety bridge and slipped down the red mud bank to dabble our feet in the cool water .It was an ideal time as we watched purple petals tossed by the wind dance in the water.   We continued up the...

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Sara’s Arrival and The Laughing Safari

  Arriving in Africa (for the first time!!!)   First moments alone in Africa (for the first time!).   My flight from France arrived six hours before Steph and the Canadian crew were to arrive, so I was on my own. Ack!   Flying in low over Kilimanjaro airport, green-brown scrub...

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TIA…..This is Africa! 2013

Hujambo         Our regrets for the delay in sending updates.! Of course many people might relish a brief loss of service to have a  rest, reacquaint with family, but for us it’s  been both a  frustration and a pursuit, installing various sim cards; voda, celtel, airtel, tigo…...

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[gview file=”http://kilimanjarocal.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Book-5-Kilema-Support-Fund-Tuition-Project-2012..xlsx”]

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Congratulations Franki, Ongera sana!

Update May 2012  Today Franki Kilasi  will be  enjoying his graduation ceremonies in Arusha Tanzania having completed  course work to become a primary school teacher at  Bishop Durning School!  Congratulation from Canada!   We are thinking of you and reflecting on your long and sometimes challenging journey and are thankful you...

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