Wanafunzi wingi…students galore!

107-P1050016                                                Deo, Margot and Janine

P1040796                                            Selina and Daniel at Darjani School





We have enjoyed the trickle of students stopping by our visitor centre to greet, connect and update us.  Through Sunday and Irene, students know we are back at Kilema and eager to review their progress and get ready for the coming year.  This year is markedly different with few students remaining in the surrounding schools, most having finished Form 4 (gr. 11)and either attending or trying to attend higher level study. So far we have funded 27 students for 2013 with more to follow.  We still have 13 students in Sembeti village attending local schools and it was great to have Margot and Janine come along on the village/ school visit that day.  Margot’s blog will follow…


Some thoughts from the gals……….


From Heather:  “ I am amazed at how positive and keen they are.  And how much they want schooling, more than students inCanada.  They keep coming in.  They keep making contact.  They have also been incredibly lovely looking and well cared for…no dead eyes.”


From Carolyn:  “Every student I have met has been delightful, motivated, bright and I sense they will succeed.  They have a sense of their destiny. They really appreciate the relationship they have with the program.”


From Janine:  “The students are very social and represent their culture well.  They don’t miss anyone in the room when it comes to greetings.




Some highlights from the students

  • Franki Kilasi just got a job for one month at Kisaluni Primary teaching all subjects.  He is still waiting for his posting with the government which would be full time.
  • Nora has chosen to study data management and records in Tanga with a government institute.  We helped her get ready for the one yr program by going out to get shoes and 2 suits made.  Thanks to her Canadian sponsors for this final year of study.
  • Stephen Lyimo just graduated from Form 6 and will likely continue on to university.  Law is his goal-children’s advocacy.  Sadly I could not get to his graduation in Arusha.
  • Lilian came to visit and is waiting to hear if she passed Form 6 exams before she can go on.  She wishes to continue to university to be a teacher/lecturer.
  • Anthony Mosha is towering and working now in the climbing /tourist business.  Since Form 4 he has pursued courses in tourism without significant sponsorship and will continue working one more year before possibly getting assistance to be a safari driver.
  • Idda is now wishing to attend university to study librarianship and archive studies which is now beyond the scope of the KSF Tuition Project and she has agreed to be posted on the kilimanjarocalling.com for one to one funding for her 2 yr course.
  • Margaret is in the same position wishing funding to become an accountant after taking completing a 2 yr computer course.  She is a very bright student but will need a single donor.
  • Ambrose graduated from Mandaka vocational and has been working in construction for the last 2 years.  See the photos his mother brought.
  • Maximilian is waiting for Form 6 results and will continue on to higher studies, perhaps accounting.
  • Henry Shayo has graduated from  Mandaka vocational KYTTC in mechanics and is looking for work fixing commercial trucks (Coca cola trucks)
  • At Lombeta school, Deo  is in Form 4 this year and doing very well.  He still is missing a leg and  as a disabled student is boarding at the school.  The second headmaster  reported his classmates plan to take up a collection “ big, not small” to get Deo another prosthetic leg made.  They are asking us to match the funds.
  • Elizabeth V. Shirima is 7 of 149 students in her class at Lombeta, doing well.
  • Raziki is starting Form 4 and continues to be the lovely buoyant personality who greets us daily at Kilema.  He lives next door in the guards shack, no mother or father.
  • Samuel Shayo starts a hospitality, English and computer course for 1 yr in Arusha and will stay with his brother there.
  • Neema will further her tailoring skills in year 3 at Ngaruma vocational.
  • Lucina will do the same at Samanga vocationa.
  • Augusti Urio will continue electronic studies at Samanga vocational.
  • We will cost share with Violet Kessy as she completes her second year of accounting studies in Dar.

The list goes on…..

Three students in Msoma, Godfrey, Jonas and Jackson have completed Form 6 and are awaiting results.  From these boys I get the most extravagant greetings and blessings …. this zinger  arrived a few days ago.  If this doesn’t make you sigh nothing will.


“Modam for  second let me THANKS U AGAIN AND AGAIN Because while I was form one I was total given up I could’nt think about form 4 or 6 I was studed in wory and sorrowful due to fees but when Jesus BROUGHT U TO ME I WAS THANKS TO LORD EVEN MY FAMILY WE WERE PRAY 4U AND EVEN NOW WE ARE SEEKING TO GOD THE BLESS, SUCCUSSES AND GOOD HEALTH AND JOYFUL HAPPYFUL AND MERCYFUL LIFE 4 U AND Modam please I have a dream and my talent that one day or one time to a pilot(military pilot) so that I can fly the UN planes to save refugees and those disasters of wars, floods etc please if possible I bag u to finding me a chance or scholar so that I can run my dream please or you can even advice me what should I do mama MUNGU AKUBARIKI NAKUPENDA, SANA AMEN.”



Quite a text and it all came at once!  May we all share in those sentiments.


Meeting Goodluck, Germin, Ester and Victoria at Resesa School…


P1040763              Franki gets school resources from Janine……


P1040656Ambrose’s mother sent this photo of him at his work site in Arusha…

171-DSC_0582Margaretha with computer diplomas….







Meeting Elizabeth S.at the visitor centre…


P1040452Lilian looking great….




Nora getting fabric for school uniforms…

P1040639 P1040643



Made to measure…..









To schools in the back of the truck…

Reviewing students at Lombeta…










The girls studying in each Form often outnumber the boys! Equal opportunity here.


Olaleni school guidelines…


Nora setting up her email contact before she departs to Tanga for studies in Data Management.  Good luck to her

Thanks everyone!!


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