Kilema Support Fund Tuition Project


Since 2008, Kilema Support Fund Tuition Project through CACHA (Canada Africa Community Health Alliance) has been helping eager orphan and vulnerable students of Kilema District, Kilimanjaro reach their educational goals. In this region education for both boys and girls is seen as the gateway to a future of prosperity, independence and community development by families and community leaders alike.

With intensity every January, families and caregivers focus on enrolling children of all ages in school but in a country where 86% of people earn $2/day or less, the cost of education is for most challenging and for many impossible. Primary schooling, though “free” in Tanzania comes with extra costs including; uniforms, school supplies, shoes, cook and food fees mounting to about $50 per year per child. Secondary school fees are even greater starting at $150 for government schools to $500 or more at private or church schools that offer a more resourced educational experience. Boarding fees for students who live at distance are more, though boarding allow students to focus on studies rather than walk the kilometers back and forth to home. Here children who have lost one or more parents to illness or accident often have elderly and poor relatives, grandmothers,for support. By providing educational funding for school fees, school supplies, shoes, uniforms, food and transport fees up to 60 students sponsored by KSF Tuition Project have achieved higher levels of schooling, many now having completed Form 4 or grade 11 and some now on to college.

Please visit some of the KSF sponsored students through this website and see how far they have come! Visit individual students to review their social, educational and KSF funding histories. Interested in helping an unfunded student reach their educational goals? Visit Students Seeking Scholarships and see if you can help out. Students known to the project who wish to continue studies beyond secondary/vocational school are invited to post their proposal for further study and fee schedules. Please contact Kilema support Fund Tuition Project to inquire about sponsoring an individual student. (Be aware that that full names and some photos have been withheld in order to respect privacy). Lastly,stay tuned to as it evolves.
