Of Bake Sales and Bottle Drives: Tanzania 2014

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Supporting the education of students in Tanzania through Kilema Support Fund has always been a community effort and never more than this year where most of our volunteers  are from the neighbourhood in Victoria.  Traveling to Kilimanjaro December 30th for one month is  Dr. Fiona Manning and daughter, Solana Phillips, Dr. Dolly Freigang and daughter Lauren Partlow, Karen Platt , Lachlan Fraser and myself .  We are looking forward to seeing Mary Todd from Bristol, England when we all convene in Arusha, Tanzania.  We are grateful for the team and all the enthusiastic help they’ve put into preparations!





Our project work continues, providing scholarships to as many of the original student cohort as our budget will allow.  Last year we were able to provide 32  students with full tuition with a budget of $10,000 Canadian.  Most  are attending secondary, vocational and even university levels, boys and girls equally.  We have come a long way with these avid students, celebrating those that have finished  and await  what might unfold in the future for those still studying !

We will continue outfitting two school computer labs at Kilimanjaro Youth Technical Training Center and at the facility shared by Ifati and Rukima Secondary schools.  Huge thanks to Richard Corman  for the purchase, cleanup and loading of 8 IBM computers which we will carry in our backpacks.  These computers will be added to the 11 machines and other equipment which were donated by IBM through David Crossley in the last 2 years.   Richard has trained Lockie as our premier technician on the voyage!


This January we also hope to make progress on other initiatives  including the completion of the budget proposal and future planning for Siku Njema, a home based health service for ill people isolated by geography and poverty.  Last year our group visited nearly 40 homes, gathering data on the needs of many people living remotely and with few resources. It was an important activity during the 2013 trip and offered insights many of us will not forget.

I know Solana, Lauren and Lachlan are interesting in helping a young fellow named Deo fit for a new prosthetic leg.   After losing a leg as a child in a mining accident he has been without a prosthetic for about 4 years.  Funds from students at  Lombeta School , Kilimanjaro together with recent bake sales at Central Middle  School and  Sasha Fraser’s fundraiser at  Oak Bay High School will marry with  a donation from local prosthetic expert Geoffrey Hall  at customprosthetics.com to reach our goal.   Deo is a good student and has been funded by our scholarship program for the last four years.   A new leg will help him go further in every way imaginable.

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A big thank you to all for much success in the pre trip fundraising!

Harling Pointers again proved to be generous donors at the annual fall bottle drive where we raised $497 in bottles  and another $500 in donations.  We survived the heavy rains that arrived and welcomed fresh reinforcements and refreshments.  Richard came to help on bended knee and his truck picked up supplies at Pagliacci’s restaurant, The Oaks on Oak Bay Av., Ottavio’s , and the Demitasse.  Bob Paul, your wagon was central to our success(and the kids fun)!  Thanks to all the donors and collectors.

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Event planners at work

Heavenly platters of cupcakes, fudge and gingerbread cookies did grace the table for the Bake Sale for Tanzania organized at Central Middle School by Solana Phillips, Lauren Partlow and Lockie Fraser last month.  They learned a lot about planning an event, baking in bulk and working a bake sale.  Thanks to their efforts (friends and busy moms too), they raised a total of $295!!  Special thanks to the students and staff of Central Middle School for their big appetites and sweet teeth; a generous bunch!

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Packing Bags

Just last week we completed the pack up of school and medical supplies, filling 14 duffel bags to a total of nearly 700 lbs!  (KLM airlines  allows generous checked luggage!)  Most of the supplies came from the Compassionate Resource Warehouse of Victoria   http://www.crwarehouse.ca/ which collects medical, educational and other material goods for donation internationally.  They recently shipped containers of supplies to the Philippines and we were impressed by the amazing work they do, and their generous help to our project.    Thank you to Margo, Rob, Cathy and Dell for your help!



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Gift Cards

As we approach the holidays I’m grateful for all the donations that have continued to fill the Kilema Tuition Project Fund and that have allowed us to offer support to Tanzanian students year after year.  For giving this year we have gift cards for a donation made in someone’s name.  Great for the host, for the coach or for that person who already has everything they need…..

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This year why not give the gift of education?

Contact Stephanie at [email protected]  or 250 857 7236 to arrange your cards.


Support a Student

We also have students with a track record of achievement and discipline who are looking for individual sponsors.  We can provide photos and complete histories of students from primary to university.  If you or your family would like to help an individual student, follow their educational experience and connect with their life in East Africa please visit www.kilimanjarocalling.com and click on Support a Student to meet students.  Contact Stephanie above for more information.


All donations are tax deductible through CACHA – Canada Africa Community Health Alliance,

CRA registration# 86288 9755 RR0001,  and can be made through the Cacha website at this link


Thank you everyone!





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