Distribution Day

Distribution DayP1040694

I think Distribution Day has been a day we have all been looking forward to.  The day when we get to see all the children that are supported through CACHA (Canadian African Community Health Alliance), plus many more who are looking for any help they can get, receive their school supplies.  Some of  these items have been supplied by CACHA and some were donated and collected in Victoria and brought to Tanzania for distribution.

Sunday and Irene (Cacha employees here in Tanzania) were already setting up as we walked from the Visitor’s Center to the top of the CTC Centre (Care and Treatment Center) where the distribution is held.  There was a sea of children of all ages and sizes, as well as many parents.  Everyone was very excited, but Sunday and his team kept them all in very good order.   We passed the group of energetic kids and went inside to help sort the items out.  We were distributing white shirts, socks, shoe polish,  counter books, geometry sets, rulers, pens, pencils, pencil crayons and backpacks for the older kids;  exercise books, white shirts, shoe polish, socks, pens, pencil and pencil crayons for the younger ones.  All the children that are in the program receive black shoes as well.  These are made here in Tanzania, so what we did was write their name on a piece of 8X11 paper and then get them to step on the page and we then draw the shape of their foot.  This then goes to the local shoemaker and viola new shoes.

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Thank you to everyone who contributed items to fill the 12 duffel bags. Particular thanks to Georgia Avenue school in Nanimo who donated so many back packs and also to Brent for his kind donation of very excellent shoes!





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