Stella E.

Stella is a very purposeful girl with surprisingly good english for her level of schooling.  We had met in 2008 but only really spoke at length in 2011 during a visit to her home.  Her enthusiasm for learning,  forthright nature and eagerness to communicate were memorable.  Stella was one of thirty students from Ifati and Rukima schools brought into the program in 2008 to assist with school fees.

During the home visit she lead us for kilometers along village footpaths in the Kilimanjaro foothills near Ruwa.  We arrived to a typical  one room hut of pole and  wood and a metal roofing and there met her mother who had been ill for over a year.  Neighbours had worked together to build the house and because of  illness the mother had been unable to cultivate and the mother and daughter were living on a diet of ugali, beans and bananas,  provided by neighbours.  The household had no animals

Sponsored Student: Stella

Gender: female

Referred by: Councilman Exupery Mosha

Caregiver: mother, ill

Social History: ovc

Home visits: yes  Jan 2011


History of Educational Support:

2008 /$ 105,000 Ifati school fees Form 1

2009/ $123,000 Ifati school fees Form 2, counterbooks x3

2010/$95,000 Ifati school fees Form 3, counterbooksx3

2011/ $138,000 Ifati school fees Form 4, counterbooks x3 pens

2012 Update:  We received word recently that Stell failed to pass form 4 exams which was both surprising given her apptitude and disappointing. We will wait to hear what direction her education will take.


Educational  Achievement : Form 4 but failed to pass F4 exam

Educational Goals: Wants to be a teacher at university or secondary level.


Student’s Thoughts: