Of Interest


A short video of Kilema Hospital  Orphan Program that says it all.  Many thanks to Rob and Priya of Amsterdam for this beautiful filming and to Richard Corman, our local editor!




Why is education so critical to development?  How does it fit into global security?  New York Times columnist, Nicholas Kristof speaks about the kidnapping of Nigerian girls and what we can do…

“What’s so scary about smart girls?”





A touching video on the power of music in a life full of obstacles.

Landfill Harmonic


Promotional tape For the Robin Hood Tax featuring Bill Nighy “http://robinhoodtax.org/how-it-works” target=”>



A SMALL ACT Trailer 2010 from Jennifer Arnold on Vimeo.

..the documentary trailer.

Nov3/11-The CBC ‘The Current’ podcast introduces Chris Mburu, now a human rights lawyer in Kenya, who pays tribute to an elderly donor who helped him with school fees. A remarkable story of positive change.



Nov 3/11-Charles Kenny, interviewed about his new book “Getting Better: Why Global Development Is Succeeding”, describes progress in meeting development goals around the world.



Nicolas Kristoff, an intrepid and articulate NYTimes journalist interviews refugees who have arrived to camps in northern Kenya from Somalia.
