Jeniphe was referred to the program by Augustine, a home based care worker, in 2008 and at that time she was a shy young girl from a village at the base of Mt Kilimanjaro, parent less and living with poor and ill relations. In 2011 we visited the simple pole and mud hut of her elderly but healthy grandfather who is now her supporting relative, a herbalist and subsistence farmer. Other family members, aunt uncle and nephew live huts within a few meters and the construction of a now crumbling block house has been stalled for years given the mud staining at the base. Faces of children peek out, their caregiver, Jeniphe’s aunt, clearly suffering from illness.
Sponsored Student:Jeniphe
Gender: female
Referred by: Augustine
Caregiver: grandfather, has step mother in Dar esalaam
Social History:full orphan:boarding school
Home visits:2011
KSF Tuition Project Funding History:
$42,000 uniform/shoes/interview fees for Olaleni
$258,000 School fees Olaleni.
Total/08 $300,000
$410,000 School fees Olaleni.
$15,000 field trip
$60,000 grad and catholic seminar
Total/09 $485,000
$521,000 Boarding school Kyttc vocational
$15,000 shoes
$25,000 mattress and mosquito net
$24,000 blanketi and sheets
$15,000 pillow, soap, pocket money
$7,000 school contribution
Total/10 $607,000
$65,000 debt for 2010 practicum
$500,000 Kyttc vocational /boarding
Total/11 $565,000
Educational Achievement :
Left secondary for vocational in 2010 due to failing grades and is now completing 2nd year of electricity at Kyttc Mandaka vocational and doing well. Practicum with Tanzanian electrical company 2010.
In 2011 described how to install ceiling lighting and electrical wall socket.
Educational Goals:
Educational Outcome 2012: Electricity certificate 3 year program.
The local home based care worker Augustine reported that Jeniphe had completed her 3rd year of electricity at Mandaka Vocational KYTTC and had chosen to go to Dar esalaam afterwords. In Jan 2012 the program was not able to contact her and the family were waiting to hear from her as well. Jeniphe would be in line for KSF funding to complete her 4th year electricity certificate if she chooses.