This student was welcomed to KSF Tuition Project in 2011, replacing another student who suddenly left the program due pregnancy. Flora lives with both parents in a tidy pole and mud house with a rusty metal roof in the midst of a small leafy shamba (farm plot). Her father is mostly bedridden having lost use of his legs through an accident. He was dismantling house a pole and mud house to try and recycle building materials. A large weight bearing pole fell on him and broke his spine. The mother works the shamba and is a day labourer on other farms and the parents because of the demands for the father’s care have little income for school fees.
In 2014, our group had the privilege to visit the home of Flora and her family to fully understand the challenges they face. Other family members also live at the home including 2 young infants and all are living off subsistence farming primarily bananas.
Sponsored Student:Flora
Gender: female
Referred by: Augustine HBC (Home Based Care)
Caregiver: Mother/Father disabled
Social History:
Home visits: 2011, 2014
Educational Achievement : Completed secondary school Form 4 and currently studying at Arusha for Certificate of Nursery Teaching
Educational Goals: Teacher
KSF Tuition Project Funding History:
School fees Form 3 Mreremi Secondary School.
Update: Flora will not be continuing at Mrereni School ( Passed Form 2).but will be transferring to Elishadai Secondary on the Kenyan boarder for boarding school. She failed to pass Form 3 in government exams therefore is now attending in private school. Government schools can be underfunded and it shows in educational outcomes.
Bed sheets, school sweater, school uniform, copy paper, boarding items
Elishadai Secondary School Fees Form 3
Elishadai Secondary School Form 4
socks, soap, transport, healthcare, rim paper(computer paper, shoes
Tutoring x2 April and August for National Exams
Update from Augustine – HBC – Flora Riwa completed Form 4 and is waiting for results before she can move on to a higher level.
Flora was accepted to study at the Rian Institute of Professional Studies at their Teacher College in Arusha. She will be studying for a Certificate of Nursery Teaching.