
Eugen has had difficulty covering  the costs of education due to the poverty in his family.  He lives with his elderly grandmother in a hill top village near Kilema Hospital with views to Kilimanjaro to the north.  The higher the land on the steep slope the poorer the soil and after generations of land division her plot is small and income from subsistence limited.  He walked to school and back daily crossing two valleys to the west, about 6 km.  Perhaps because of the walking distance and chores at home Eugen was getting average grades, common for students in this region.  Sadly, he left the KSF Tuition Support program after the 2010 school year  and is trying to get work in a nearby town.


Sponsored Student: Eugen Sprian

Gender: Male

Referred by: Leocadia, Home Based Care Worker of Legho Village

Caregiver: Grandmother, elderly frail

Social History: Poor/OVC

Home visits: 0


KSF Tuition Project Funding History:

2008: 0


$53,000-School fees

$10,000-Pocket money


$127,000-School fees, Pakula School

Back pack, Notebooks, Pens/Pencils, Dictionary

2011: 0


Educational  Achievement : Quit studies to go work in town.

Educational Goals: Interrupted


Student’s Thoughts: