Author Archives: admin

Kilema 2010 Student Sponsorships:Asante!

Measuring for shoe size the traditional way….. and delivering sought after school bags, dictionaries among other resources from Canadian donors! What a pleasure it was for Sasha and me. Thanks to all! This 2010 school year, which started in January, has again been a successful experience of belonging and advancement...

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Yes and No

Uncanny coincidences are quite common in Tanzania. Say, when you think of someone or you really need to see someone and no sooner that happens than they walkup the footpath, in the door or you receive a text from them. A few years ago the Kilema OVC program had a...

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Water Buffalo

A busy week of school visits with the names of Olaleni, Mandaka, Mrereni, Ifati, Rukima and Lombeta, to review the progress and in some cases challenges of various students. Margareth  from Mandaka village is doing very well despite finding herself in a class of 60 students at Mrereni school and...

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Tanzy Back to School Report

Of course 10 days ago our arrival to Kili International, with that sensation of warm air infusing the cabin of the plane, seems a long time ago now. Sasha and I both noted how dark the landscape was as we circled and on landing looked out the window opposite of...

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Tanzania: Kilema Support Fund Tuitions Project Update

In the midst of Canada’s west coast deluge it’s hard to picture Tanzanian life across the world where the dry season has taken hold. Grazing animals wander through the remnants of corn and millet fields and clusters of students in blue, green and sienna colored uniforms, some a little tattered,...

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Kilema to the Coast

January 27/09 Well let’s try this this again. The power just failed in this sweltering Cepac internet office in Muheza and the worst part (almost) was the loss of the ceiling fan! My online luck is famously poor here and I’m always able to bring on power outages just by...

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Kilema Arrival

January 14 /09 Since the first morning after our arrival to Tanzania, the miracle of three mothers and three daughters coming together, from Canada and France, to meet in East Africa seemed beyond imagination but here we are. Jet lagged mothers, Fiona ,Rita and I, lolled in our YMCA beds...

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Mothers and Daughters to Kilema

Looking out onto a snow white B.C. landscape makes it even more unbelievable that we will soon be on the rutted roads and dusty red footpaths of Tanzania within a few days. Fields there will be transitioning from dry season browns to rich auburn reds, fresh turned soil soon ready...

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Deo doesn’t usually look this serious Very uncomfortable crutches This leg is way too big REPORT BY: SASHA FRASER Deo is my friend who is here in Kilema Hospital. He is here because he needs an artificial leg. He always has a smile on his face and has adapted to...

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Coming Home, Thankful for Gifts Received

Saying Kwaheri to the Indian Ocean Intrepid and joyful River Explorers The view from the office will never be the same…. ………….. see what I mean? Winifrida’s gift to Chris “There’s a whole world out there that needs you, down the street or across the ocean. Give.” Bill Clinton, Giving...

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