Gearing Up For Tanzania: November 2015

Kilema Support Fund Tuition Project : CACHA

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News and Updates

Since 2008 Kilema Support fund has supported the educational aspirations of 65 children from the Kilimanjaro Region.  Since then many of these children are no longer children!  They are young adults who have developed confidence, an broader skill set, a sense of purpose and power and finally hope for the future.  Educational aspirations and success are top priority in this country where 85% of the working poor live below $2 per day (UN 2014).  Getting children through school can bankrupt impoverished families.

To date this project has graduated 15 students.  We celebrate our new teachers, electricians, builder, mechanic, computer, secretarial s and tourism sector workers.  Last year 2014/15, the  KSF budget funded 25 students to return to school, 9 of whom attended college or university. These inspiring students who yearn to go to school know that education

  • provides a sense of belonging and purpose for one full year.
  • integrates poor children into classrooms with others from various backgrounds and socio-economic levels.
  • increases income generating potential with every year of schooling.
  • improves health outcomes for  students ( education level is a key determinant of health).
  • provides hope, optimism and income potential for poor families.

Thank you to so many contributors who have helped over the years to keep this cohort of children in school.   In 2015/16 we look forward to helping as many students as we can to stay on the road to school and keep reaching for their educational goals. Onward!

Kilema Support Fund has followed these students with interest and now we can say ....Congratulations!

Have a look at some of our new graduates!







Jonas, having completed training at Monduli Teachers College on the edge of the Serengeti,  now stands in front of his students at Angelico Lipain School teaching geography, English, and personal development.  He received his Diploma in Secondary Education this year and has invited our volunteer group to visit him and see him in action January 2016.  But he also asked us if we would please bring pens, pencils and notebooks for his students as so many don’t have any!

Nora,25, has finally completed her Diploma in Data Management after finishing her field practicum in Tanga, a busy coastal town on the Indian Ocean. She graduates early in December 2015 and we wish her Congratulations!  Hongera sana.  Her funding was a group effort… four different Canadian donors worked together  to fund her academic success.  Thank you!

Violeth has been helped by Kilema Support Fund since 2008 when she studied at Ifati School at Kilimanjaro.  She completed Form 4 and went on to the College of Business Education in Dodoma.  Unknown to KSF, her mother, a poor farmer,  sold her land to pay for Violeth’s Certificate of Accountancy studies.  Kilema Support Fund stepped in to sponsor Violeth to complete a further two years of studies.  She graduated last year with her Diploma in Accountancy but, an eager student, she is persistent in her wish to study further.

Avelin Nguma : Project Officer Kilema Support Fund Tuition Project

Our expert in the field, Avelin Nguma has been working as Project Officer for Kilema Support Fund in Tanzania since September 2014, providing continuity and support for students as they progress through the school year.  Many students are now in senior years and studying all over northern Tanzania.  Avelin reviews their progress, troubleshoots challenges,  coordinates school  fee payments and effectively keeps us up to date.  Avelin has worked  as a volunteer for CACHA in Tanzania prior to accepting this position.

Here, he is meeting  with Juliana, a young student who is needing a new leg prosthetic and someone we hope to help in January 2016.

We appreciate your work Avelin!  Asante sana kwa kazi

Our KSF Volunteer Team: January 2016 Trip !

We are all looking forward to this year’s journey to Tanzania and hope that you will follow our progress and our impressions as we meet  many friends and communities  we share a long connection with.  Joining us will be  Elizabeth and Steve Adilman with daughters, Isabelle Hertz and Rachel Adilman, who have been interested in this project over the years and now make the leap as a family!  Claire Partlow, a new high school grad and rugged traveler, will also join in…. her mom, Dolly, and sister came in 2014.  Eva Fraser might join us as well, fingers crossed.

Our goals will be to get a sense of life and challenges in Tanzania, review as many students as we can,  visits homes, meet other family members and follow up on school fees and related needs.  We hope to offer English and computer tutoring to students at all levels particularly students at Rukima Secondary, a poor government school with few supports and resources.  We will visit  two computer labs and look forward to hearing how they have been using the 21 previously donated laptops.   We will have another 10 refurbished  laptops  and 2 new bulb-less projectors to deliver thanks to our tech dude, Richard Corman.

Compassion Resource Warehouse.... Leads in Giving

An impressive group of volunteers sorts donations for shipment to communities in need world wide.

Compassion Warehouse helped us pack our bags with 1200 pounds of supplies:  white shirts. school books and medical supplies, including two lab microscopes for the new School of  Laboratory Science at Kilema Hospital.

Fundraising Thanks

On behalf of students we remain grateful for all contributions large and small that have allowed us to send children to school.

Fundraising is a lot of work and we recognize our friends, family, community and particularly our volunteer team this year for all efforts and actions on behalf of this project. Harling Pointers turned out to help with the bottle drive in October which brought in almost $1200!  Looking ahead we have an upcoming Kilema Support Fund educational afternoon event planned for Nov. 29 in Vancouver at the Arbutus Club 3:30-6:00 thanks to the fine organizing of  Elizabeth, Steve, Isabelle and Rachel!  As you can see this project is supported by a warm and wide circle of generosity. Thank you!

The Gift of Betty Wightman

In Memory

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We warmly remember the generous spirit and kindness of Elise (Betty) Wightman who passed away this July at 96.  Stephanie’s aunt was an enthusiastic and generous supporter of our work in Tanzania and understood the importance of access to education for all children and youth..  She supported the project over many years and most recently at the time of her own memorial. Betty recognized first hand the importance of volunteers engaging in social challenges, having learned this herself during her volunteer service with the Canadian Red Cross in Britain during the Second World War.

The ‘Betty Wightman Scholarship Gift’ will go to Happiness Shirima this fall  2015, a strong and determined student who is embarking upon first year medical studies at the NACTE College of Health and Allied Sciences, Dodoma, Tanzania .

Our thanks and remembrance…

Kilema Support Fund Tuition Project is an affiliate of CACHA(Canada Africa Community Health Alliance) CACHA is a Canadian Registered Charitable Organization #862889755RR0001.

For more information or financial reports please contact CACHA at project@ or visit their website @

All travel costs and expenses are paid for independently  by the volunteers participating in the mission. Participants are encouraged to purchase carbon offsets or otherwise allocate an ambitious carbon’ tax’  for emissions produced (4.07 metric tons per person return).

Project Lead :Stephanie Malahoff

Our mailing address is :

2014 Crescent Road, Victoria, B.C. V8S 2H2

250 8577236 / 2505957026

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