World AIDS Day , Kilema

“Let’s overcome AIDS Together” art project designed and coordinated by Rick Madore, CACHA Orphan Program Staff; Assistant to artist: Eva Fraser

We have just completed World AIDS Day ceremonies here at the hospital and feel a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration after a very moving display of concern , commitment and compassion from the hospital community, persons living with HIV/AIDS and children orphaned by HIV.

To see photos of the day please click here or go to:

A blustery day greeted the nearly 500 guests to the hospital and Tanzanian determination and “can do” overcame shredded tarps and howling winds, producing very moving speeches (noted by observing intense and at times teary listeners, rather than any great Swahili proficiency on our part) and close attention from the audience of children and adults, who all stayed for the full ceremony and waited until nearly 3pm to eat the lunch provided by the hospital.

The community warmly received the news that the second floor of the CACHA building here, which will be fully devoted to serving orphans, is rapidly nearing completion and should open in February 2008. Our Canadian contingent here was called before the guests and warmly recognized for the work it has been moving ahead with here.

We have had many messages from friends and colleagues regarding planned Christmas donations to the Kilema Support Fund and we are thrilled at the enthusiasm to support the work we are doing here with CACHA. We feel that we can provide a great deal of practical support for immediate needs and future income generation opportunities for the orphans we work with if the fund can continue to accumulate funds in early 2008.

Regarding the fund, we are thrilled to announce to all blog readers that friend and acclaimed Victoria artist Galen Davison is donating 50% of the proceeds from all sales of his paintings to the Kilema Support Fund from now until Christmas.

Please check Galen’s website at: and pass the link along to friends and colleagues.

The Fund`s Scotiabank account # is 20610 0110124 and the branch phone number is (250) 953-8100.

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